Cleanliness tips that everyone should abide by

“Cleanliness is next to Godilness.” This is a factor that everyone needs to consider when it comes to our home sweet home. Keeping your home clean on a daily basis keep the diseases at bay! It is important to follow certain ground rules or habits so that your home doesn’t look messy.

Give your bedroom, kitchen gentleman look

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Making the bed as soon as you wake up, drying up kitchen counter after washing utensils and disposing garbage in a bag are some habits that will help you to make your home sparkle and smell good too. If you don’t have time to clean home, assign duties to every member of the family. In this way, you will keep your home clean 24×7 basis. In this post, we will share some best habits to add in your life. By inculcating these habits, through the years, your home will look tidy and uncluttered. Take a look at these habits that keep your house clean.

Step 1- Make the bed after sleep

Clean-Bed Cleanliness tips that everyone should abide by
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Give your bed neat and clean look as you wake up in the morning, make a habit to do that. Straighten the bedsheet and ruffle the pillow covers. This is one habit that will give your home neat and clean look.

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Step 2- Don’t spread the items on kitchen counter

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Keep the kitchen counter clean by placing the spice containers in shelf after preparing the meal. It will make your home look beautiful. Additionally, it also saves your time.

Step 3-Keep your shoes at the door

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Make it a habit to leave your shoes at the door as soon as you step into the home. This cleaning tip is important since your shoes are the strongest carriers of germs and infectious disease.

 Step 4- Don’t store garbage

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Never store the garbage lie around in your home for long time, as it invites nasty pets like cockroaches and pests. Clean the empty garbage can once in a week with help of vinegar and lemon juice.

Step 5- don’t mess around

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Clean up the mess immediately to make your home look beautiful and clean.

Step 6- assign work to every family member

focal-wall-ideas-for-living-room Cleanliness tips that everyone should abide by
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If you don’t have enough time to clean your home all times; it is best to dedicate work to every family member. This habit saves time and helps everyone to understand what cleanliness is.

Step 6- Don’t pile up laundry items

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Never let your laundry items pile up in the bathroom. Make a habit to wash clothes everyday.

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Step 7- clean up utensils right after dinner

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Clean up the utensils right after dinner. Never pile up utensils in sink overnight as it will invite unwanted guests like pests and rodents.

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