How to fix dent from stainless steel appliances?

A stainless steel appliance is made from similar material like an automobile. Understood, cars are not made from stainless steel, but the inherent properties are the same. The solution to fix a dent starts from how dent is removed. You don’t need to worry about the paint on an appliance as you do on a car. There are three easy ways to remove dent from stainless steel appliances that include using dry ice, a can of air duster or a suction-cup dent puller.

kak-udalit-vmjatiny-s-holodilnika-iz_3_1 How to fix dent from stainless steel appliances?
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Tips on how to remove dent from stainless steel appliances

 Dry Ice

ca41942b-3f4f-436c-ac84-36724951277a How to fix dent from stainless steel appliances?
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Search a place that carries dry ice. Find some hardware store, grocery store and live bait shops. Put a pair of gloves before carrying dry ice in foam cooler and carry it to your home. Dry ice evaporates fast; it evaporates by the time you are ready to use.

Hair Dryer

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Heat the dent using standard hair dryer before trying the next way can air duster. This is same product that is used to forcefully spray dust out of the computer parts. After heating the dented area turn the can of air upside down and spray on the dent. When the can is turned upside down carbon dioxide is released. The chilled carbon dioxide acts like a piece of dry ice to the heated dent. With passage of time stainless steel will contract and dent will flex back to its original position.

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Automotive Suction Puller

stainless-steeel-scratch-removal How to fix dent from stainless steel appliances?
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Use an automotive suction cup puller- Buy an automotive suction-cup dent puller onto the dent to remove the dent. Find these suction cups at an automotive store or farm store. Buy a size of the dent that you are trying to remove. Prepare the dent first wiping with damp cloth. The wetness from the cloth will give a positive effect. Press the suction cup on the dent and flex in to ensure tight is seal. If the suction cup remains affixed after flexing, pull it straight off the dent. As the suction cup releases, it will pull the dent out, leaving a smooth surface.

Dry Ice

21 How to fix dent from stainless steel appliances?
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Place a piece of dry ice at the centre of the dent. Leave it for some time to ensure the stainless steel is frozen. As the metal freezes, it starts to contract. As it contracts, the metal will start to flex and shrink. When it happens, the dent with unflex into its original state.


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