Stylish Headboards

Headboards add comfort and style to every bed. They have been used for centuries to provide comfort on those who sleep on it, as their heads avoid hitting the wall. But headboards can also be fancy and add more style to the bedroom, and all you have to do is choose the kind that suits your room’s design the most.

There are many kinds of stylish headboards that you can choose from these days, and among the most popular ones include:

1. Tufted headboards. Tufted headboards are always the symbol of class and elegance. They are ideal to be placed on king sized beds in master bedrooms as they scream for attention. You may want to get one with a wooden frame and add it on the bed to create a dramatic effect.

2. Low modular headboards. Mod headboards are also common; they are usually built on the bed itself, and have low heights to accommodate the back and shoulders and not just the head. You may opt to upholster this kind of headboard to provide more cushion and to compliment the contemporary bedroom theme.

3. High back headboards. Meanwhile, if you want your bed to be detached from the wall, then it is best to go for a high back contour headboard. This headboard gives the bed more shape and design, and at the same time allows the user to sit up comfortably on its cushioned surface. You may have this installed on your current bed, or have one custom-built with a new bed frame.

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